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吴静茹 (Wu Ching Ju)1961年出生于台湾,少女时期即醉心于插花艺术,深受其简约、优雅、和谐的韵味感染,同时在成长环境中受到中国传统文化理念及艺术形式熏陶。22岁随夫旅居美国,开始绘画创作。1993年定居荷兰,学习西方艺术表现技法,很快发现对于雕塑艺术的热爱,激起强烈的艺术创作欲望。迄今,吴静茹已从事雕塑和油画创作十多年,形成独特的艺术风格:作品以女性优雅柔美的姿体语言,用女性独特的敏感细腻的视觉和表现手法,捕捉了舞蹈者的灵魂、母子之家温情的流露、古代女子的传奇故事。。表达作为现代女性的自我追求和梦想;作为母亲对孩子的呵护以及孩子对母亲的依恋、;作为中国人对传统文化的追寻,是东方文化内涵和西方艺术表现形式的完美结合。她的作品倾注了情感,捕捉了刹那的感动,每个人物都有其灵魂。----她是优雅的、自信的、有傲骨的、执着以求的。。。她的作品传达的是美和爱,是能让人在喧嚣中静下来的。她,是唯美的。在世界各地的游历特别是欧洲的文化冲击,给与艺术家很多的思想启迪,帮助她达到艺术创作的高峰,但中国文化的底蕴始终是她创作的内涵和原动力。十多年来,吴静茹的作品在欧洲被博物馆、皇室成员、银行家、律师、商人等收藏,赢得了极高的声誉和艺术地位,在西方的艺术世界里得到了广泛认可和尊重。她始终说:我是华人艺术家,我的底蕴来自于中华文化的滋养,我用艺术的手法来表达我的自省,我的梦想和追求,我的爱和责任。吴静茹的作品自2004年由阆风艺术画廊引荐给中国艺术鉴赏者,即受到极大的关注。作品《承》由上海市规划局收藏,作品《真善美》由上海文化发展基金会收藏。近年来,艺术家以极大的热情投入慈善事业,作品《轻舞飞扬》在全球五个城市义拍;作品〈深情〉限量铸造999件,在全球发售;联合国儿童基金会中国总部是这两个项目善款唯一受惠单位,善款将用以支持中国儿童事业,帮助中国贫困儿童,为他们的未来增添一份希望。^-^In 1993, after settling with her family in the Netherlands,Wu Chingju had no intention whatsoever to become a professional artist.At that time she made her creations for no other intent than to do what she enjoyed to do most of all. Her home gradually became a place were friends and acquaintances came to admire her art.But word got around and one day in 1996 the chairman of a local Art Association came to visit and invited her to exhibit her work. A bit reluctant Wu Chingju agreed to display her works. That first exhibition sold out in just one weekend. People around her encouraged her to continue to exhibit her work.Her next shows were like the first : most of her works found a place in new homes. But even then,she did not feel herself a professional artist. She just enjoyed to create and she was happy that others liked her creations.Then one day she met a well respected art dealer who told her that she was special ,that—in his life long career- he had rarely seen such talent with so much inspiration and the ability to touch the hearts of others with her creations. That this was why she was -he said-on this earth : to create beauty and with that to reach out to the hearts of others.She believed these words and then she was an artist.Perhaps this is typical for her career,she has come far , her works have been collected by many,from all over the world. By the richest of the earth but also by people that choose to give up holidays or to postpone the purchase of a new car to be able to collect her work.She touches people with her work and then there is magic.Her track record,over the years has become impressive but Wu Chingju has achieved all that without having to be “famous“.It seems not to be important for those who collect her art. Perhaps that has been also the reason that she felt no need to publish more about her self and her art since her first book was published in 2001.This introduction has now been written for those that would like to know more about Ching.
